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Southwick Park: Lecture Theatres


The Southwick Park site contains 2 large lecture theatres; Brian Gait Theatre can accommodate 70 people, has a flat screening format cinema, professional address system and lectern and an adjacent breakout room.
Wilfred Bowes Theatre can accommodate 40 people, has a flat format cinema screen, professional address system and lectern.
The site also houses a Mock Court-Martial Facility, designed to replicate a military court setting, seating 70 individuals. There is a witness box and judges table where court-martial scenarios can be recreated. The room is also suitable for use as a lecture facility and houses a computer terminal and projector for presentation purposes.


Southwick Park
South East
PO17 6EJ

Activities that can be carried out on this site



The map below shows a sites approximate location for reference only. For further site details, or to arrange a visit please use the relevant contact below.

For location access and more information on filming contact:
Adam Young 07921 199181
[email protected]

For all other activities contact:
Kaye McLone or Karen Howard on 07483 152719 or 07717 542357
[email protected]