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Southwick House: House Interior


Southwick Park house was built in the 19th Century and was taken over by the Royal Navy during WWII. The house was the centre for the planning for the D-Day Landings and it still contains the D-Day Map Room. The house would make an ideal venue for wedding receptions, boardroom meetings, business seminars, presentations and group training events. There is a private dining area for up to 12 people (The Georgian Dining Room) plus dining for 30 – 100 + in the main dining area.


Southwick House
South East
PO17 6EJ

Activities that can be carried out on this site



The map below shows a sites approximate location for reference only. For further site details, or to arrange a visit please use the relevant contact below.

For location access and more information on filming contact:
Adam Young 07921 199181
[email protected]

For all other activities contact:
Kaye McLone or Karen Howard on 07483 152719 or 07717 542357
[email protected]